The price of base metals Latest update

The price of base metals Latest update

The price of aluminum
Current price: $2,568
Most: $2,607
Lowest: $2,563
Daily change: $0

copper price
Current price: $9,976
Maximum: $10,044.5
Lowest: $9,901
Daily change: $0

The price of nickel
Current price: 19,256.5 dollars
Most: $19,496.5
Lowest: $19,095
Daily change: $0

The price of lead
Current price: $2,210
Maximum: $2,250.5
Lowest: $2,209.5
Daily change: $0

Zinc price
Current price: $2,855
Most: $2,909
Lowest: $2,820
Daily change: $0

The price of tin
 Current price: $32,411
Most: $32,411
Lowest: $32,411
Daily change: $0

This post is written by ircom_i