× Description of duties of paramedics in the department

Description of the duties of the paramedic in the department:
Behyar Care performs the following activities in the primary care of the patient in the form of non-professional services based on the patient’s rights charter and based on the nursing process and care standards, under the supervision of the shift manager:
1) Obtaining orders and work plans from the relevant supervisor
2) Providing the basic health needs of the client at the discretion of the relevant supervisor, including:
– Bathing or helping in bathing
– Mouthwash
– Cleaning matters such as washing hands and face
– Shortening nails
– Change of clothes
– Sorting the client
– Massage
– Change of position and behavior

3) Helping those who are unable to eat food
4) Giving pelvis and tubes to the patients according to the needs of the patients and washing and disinfecting them by following the hygiene principles, collecting blood, urine, and feces samples.
5) Assisting the client in moving and transferring (walking, transferring to a stretcher and wheelchair)
6) Preparing the necessary equipment to perform care work by the nurse (such as dressing equipment, etc.), collecting them after finishing work / washing the equipment and, if necessary, transferring it to the sterilization center according to the hospital’s policy.
7) Preparing beds (with or without patients) and stretchers
8) Counting sheets and clothes before handing them over to the laundry room and when they are handed over
9) Preparing the patient for the doctor’s examination including: establishing communication / giving the patient a suitable position / maintaining a suitable environment for the examination / removing the cover and exposing the member to be examined / making available the necessary equipment for the examination or observing the Shariah standards and principles The plan to adapt medical affairs to Sharia
10) Keeping all available medical devices and equipment clean (patient bed, patient table, monitors, breathing aids)
11) Care in maintaining the order and cleanliness of the department and the cleanliness of all the equipment of the department
12) Delivery of department equipment according to the routine in each shift
13) Emptying urinary pegs, different drains, suction cups and cleaning and disinfecting them.
14) Participating and performing patient enemas according to the order and routine of the department
15) taking care of the body according to Sharia standards
16) Prevention of possible accidents related to maintaining patient safety
17) Assisting in the rehabilitation of the patient (assistance in using the underarm stick, etc.)
18) Keeping the patient’s equipment and personal property according to the policies of the center
19) Carrying out assigned tasks according to the opinion of the relevant supervisor

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