The flight of swallows in the sky of industries and mines
Managers of large economic enterprises of the country should take care of themselves
Alireza Behdad
The news of the murder of Mitra Ostad, by Mohammad Ali Najafi, was perhaps the most bitter news for the people who admired him during his management period, loved him and set him as their example.
The people who did not shed tears for his fate and the mouths that did not open and could not digest this fact.
The story that happened to Najafi can be repeated for every successful manager in the country if they don’t take care of themselves and don’t appreciate what they have.
Large industrial, mining, steel, automobile, petrochemical, and even banking and stock companies of the country, which have a good financial status, are now more than any other economic institution exposed to the danger of swallows to attract resources and get privileges for their media.
Swallows who either have a mission from their media, or they get a mission in the middle of the way, or without knowing it, they are assigned to test the ego of the country’s managers and extort money.
Examples have been observed that some women in the form of reporters have established relations with country managers and tried to establish friendship and intimacy with them.
By placing their private photos in their WhatsApp, Telegram and Instagram profiles, these people have contacted some managers and asked for interviews and financial support for their respective media.
In the meantime, some public relations managers are more at risk because they have financial resources and can put the names of these people and media into the list of supported people with a recommendation.
In such an environment, it is necessary that managers should be careful in choosing their public relations personnel, and secondly, avoid direct contact with unfamiliar reporters who only have physical qualities and lack journalistic talents.
Due to the mushrooming of one-person media, there is a great risk that some managers of the country will fall into the trap of swallows and be forced to pay ransom to them.
These people may spread a long-term trap for the managers of the country and at the peak of trust, they will implement their plan and trap the relevant manager in that trap.
In order to be safe from these people, it is necessary for the managers of the country to systematically establish a relationship with the media.
1. Avoid talking to anonymous media.
2. Before talking to reporters, make sure to get the necessary inquiries from your public relations.
3. Never answer questions from such people during non-office hours or delegate this work to public relations.
4. Avoid private appointments outside the framework of the organization and realize that eyes will find them that they never think about.
5. Do not be fooled by profile pictures and avoid liking such people on Instagram and Twitter.
6. Public relations should perform the necessary screening and prevent suspicious people from entering organizations and managers’ offices.
7. Be careful in choosing the media relations manager.
8. The interviews must be conducted in the presence of the public relations manager and in the open, not behind closed doors.
9. Administrators should try to refrain from sending flowers and hearts as a means of liking and respond to journalists with respectable and official literature and emojis.
10. Be careful that it stays between us, it’s nothing more than a joke.
externality; Iran mining economy watcher
This post is written by monese_ghamgosar