The king ordered the minister to buy all the camels in the country for ten gold coins.
The minister was surprised and said: His Majesty must know better that the situation of the treasury is not good at all and we don’t need camels either.
The king said, just listen to me and follow it.
The minister bought all the camels at this price.
The king said, now announce that we will buy each camel for twenty coins.
The minister did so and some others sold their camels to the government.
The next time they announced thirty coins and some others were tempted to enter this profitable field and sold their camels.
In the same way, they raised the prices up to eighty coins and people sold all the camels of the country to the government.
The king said to the minister, now announce that we will buy the camels for one hundred coins and on the other side tell our agents to sell the camels to the people for ninety coins.
People, greedy for the profit of ten coins, once again created an epic and rushed to buy back the camels that they had sold to the government at low prices.
When all the camels were sold, the government announced that it no longer trusts its agents and will not buy any camels due to the thefts committed in buying and selling camels.
In this simple way, the treasury of the government was filled with the coins of stupid and greedy people, and enough money was provided to meet the needs of the government, court, and court, and to entertain the nobles and the government.
The Prime Minister was also delighted by this plan of the king and this time he had the key to a treasury that was full of legal and religious income.
In the middle, there was only a little dissatisfaction of the people, which was not important because most of them did not understand where they ate from.
This is an old story, but it is repeated for us every day in the 21st century.
People who are in line for coins, dollars, cars, home appliances, high bank profits, stocks of various types of stock market, etc., do not even understand who is the winner in the end.
They think that they are smart and winning, but they are always involved in this turmoil and they never think about the root of the problems and how to stop it.
This post is written by Mif9300669