Annual civil liability insurance policy of competent legal executives

Annual civil liability insurance policy of competent legal executives:

1. 15-year coverage of all projects that are implemented by the policyholder within a year, as well as projects that reach the operational period in this time frame.

2. 15-year coverage of the policyholder’s previous projects from 10 years ago.

3. Covering the loss of life based on the current year’s diat and up to 5 times the amount of the haram months’ diat up to 80 billion Rials.

4. Coverage of financial losses in 5 plans and up to 50 billion Rials.

5. Covering the number of non-contagious diya and diya, up to 5 times the diya of forbidden months

6. Payment of damages during the 15-year insurance coverage period according to the date of the accident.

7. Payment of damages according to the year in case the judicial process is prolonged up to 3 years

8. Removing the financial deductible in the insurance policy.

9. Coverage of social security claims under Article 66 up to 8 billion Rials.

10. Coverage of direct and indirect damages during the period of credit and insurance coverage.

11. Coverage of the executive representative in the insurance policy.

12. Covering the period of temporary operation in the insurance policy.

13. Coverage of natural disasters in case the fault of the policyholder is found in judicial authorities.

14. Covering 30% of the excess capacity of performers for free in the insurance policy.

15. Payment of damages without a court decision

Insurance premium payment: 30% in cash, the rest in 4 installments

Respected engineers can buy all kinds of professional liability insurance for engineers from the insurance company.
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This post is written by bimehresn7000