Hello dear friends and colleagues

Hello dear friends and colleagues
According to the recent discussions of the group and according to the scientific mission, there is a need to give an explanation about ration and ration writing so that the friends who have just entered this profession can continue the education path more consciously.
The ration that is written for a farm should be formulated depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the construction facilities of each farm and which of the items the grower has access to in the region and is cheaper for him. And this issue has nothing to do with saying that the ration is of low quality. Because when the consumption limit is respected and the ration is balanced with updated information, the rations are the same in terms of quality (amount of nutrients) and here the only thing that matters is the total price of the ration, which when it is written specifically for each farm, it will be the cheapest possible. Without having a negative effect on fattening period and weight.
Ostrich ration is not the chemical formula of the main ingredient of Coca-Cola soft drink, so we can say that this ration has worked, so that’s it, and everyone should use only this if they want to get an answer, because during even one period, the ration undergoes changes according to market conditions and breeding problems. So using the little information of friends who have just started working and selling copies of rations is morally objectionable. The farmer should be in constant contact with his ration writer so that the nutritional problem of the farm can be solved by changing the ration for free instead of the cost of medicine, not that a fixed ration is given to everyone without direct support from the ration writer himself.
I wrote rations for some of my dear friends in this group, none of the food items are the same, but the analysis of their rations is completely the same because I formulated them all according to the needs of ostriches, which were specially determined by the researchers of the University of Iowa, USA. So please, friends, pay attention to this issue. Thank you for your patience and reading this text, good luck.

This post is written by ShahabiR1367