Frequently asked questions of students about academic guidance

Frequently asked questions of students about academic guidance:

I prioritized a certain field, is it possible to change the academic direction or will it still remain with priority B?
It is not possible to change the priority from B to A, you can register in all fields with B priority.
In the experimental field, it is estimated that 18-20 math and science students have a high chance to enroll.

I tried hard and my grades and GPA are very good, why did I get my desired priority (B)?
Priority B means you got less grades compared to priority A students.

If certain schools are accepted, can they be registered with priority?
The first condition for passing the exam
It does not matter if the second condition is the priority of A or B.

My math grades are not very good, how did I get an A in math?
In the field of mathematics and associate degree, we have only A priority.
Experimental sciences, humanities, technical and professional priority A and B.
Example :
If the student reaches 14 in math and 13 in science in 3 years, he will get priority (A) in the field of mathematics.
The same student with the same grades in experimental (b).
Ninth grade students should be careful in choosing the field, the comparison is regional.

My friend with lower grades than me in the experimental field got priority A and I got priority with higher grades, isn’t this unfair?
You and your friend’s 3-year report card should be compared only in the final science and math score
The educational guidance software is very accurate
Grades of ninth grade students in different fields are compared and they are prioritized based on the capacities of the region.
Let’s assume that if a region has 300 female students in the experimental field, 300 students will get priority A if they have obtained the final grades of Riaz and higher sciences in the 3 years of the 7th to 9th academic year.

In the experimental field in many cities, due to the limited capacity of this field and the high number of applicants, only students with a score of 20 in mathematics and science in 3 years get priority A.