The price of base metals last update

The price of base metals last update

The price of aluminum
Current price: $2,664
Maximum: $2,680.5
Lowest: $2,613
Daily change: $40

copper price
Current price: $10,349
Most: $10,479.5
Lowest: $10,333
Daily change: $23

The price of nickel
Current price: $20,318
Most: $20,370
Lowest: $20,206
Daily change: $140

The price of lead
Current price: $2,308
Highest: $2,309.5
Lowest: $2,282
Daily change: $5

zinc price
Current price: $3,066
Maximum: $3,100
Lowest: $3,046.5
Daily change: $5

The price of tin
 Current price: $33,229
Most: $33,229
Lowest: $33,229
Daily change: $222

This post is written by ircom_i