Study time: about three minutes
The purpose of forming Helfen state groups is to bring together Iranians and students of the desired state.
In these groups, there are materials related to daily needs and information in that state, such as exchanging textbooks – food or medicine – weekend programs – house ads – job ads – special conditions of the immigration office and the bank. is used
Note: If you have any questions about pre-admission, you will get the desired answer sooner by raising them in the main Helfen group.
1- Chat and stickers and non-humorous content – with mutual respect
2- For the convenience of searching messages, it is better to type the content in Farsi language.
3- Simultaneous membership in several state groups (if you determine the status of residence in each state, leave other state groups)
4- Sending content from personal websites or from groups or parallel and non-parallel channels from any social network containing links without coordination with the admin.
** If an article is useful for members, you can publish the text of the article with the author’s name without any link or ID.
5- Sending multimedia posts such as music, video or links to streaming networks such as YouTube, except for educational purposes or language, requires coordination with group administrators.
6- Introducing the lawyer
7- Advertisement without coordination with the admin and the link of city groups, because all the cities of this state are in the same group! Please do not ask questions
8- The discussion in the group is free, but in order to maintain the peace of the group, if the rest of the members protest or create a tense atmosphere, the discussion must be ended. Wrong people will be warned first and will be restricted if they continue.
9- You are responsible for your private chats. However, in case of a complaint against a member (for example, in cases of harassment, fraud, and issues related to the group), the admins will deal with it.
10- The admin of the group has the right to remove the message/eject the member if the above rules are not followed.
11- Like all social networks, people are responsible for their behavior in cyber space. Helfen has no responsibility beyond group management.
These update rules have been read.
In case of applying for membership in one of the state groups, send the admission photo or student card or a proof of living in the desired state to the admin or @helfensupport.
Date of last update: July 2022
This post is written by me7days