A thousand year flood

A thousand year flood

A thousand years ago, Abul Fazl Beyhaqi wrote the account of the Ghaznain flood, and we are still writing the same, people whose adventures are repeated for a thousand years and their pains and sufferings are the same, which means that they do not correct themselves, history, past and mistakes.
Each lesson is repeated until we learn it.
We are forgetful students of school.

Abolfazl Beyhaqi

On Saturday, between the two prayers, it rains lightly; So much so that it made the land a little smaller and a group of herdsmen had landed on the bed of Ghaznin river and kept the cows there. Whatever they said, get up from there, that it is a mistake to stay in the path of the flood, they did not obey until the rain got stronger. So, they got up lazily and threw themselves at the foot of the walls that are connected to the blacksmiths’ cave, and they found a shelter, which was also a mistake, but they calmed down. And on that side of the river, which is on the Afghan side, among those trees as far as the walls of Asia, many sultans had closed and built mangers together and set up tents and were sitting carelessly. That was also a mistake; who were on the way to flood.

Bamiyan bridge was not like that in those days, but it was a strong bridge with strong pillars and strong supports, a little short, and on it two rows of shops facing each other; As it is now, and when it was destroyed by the flood, Abouyeh Bazergan, that pious and benevolent man – may God have mercy on him – built such a bridge; A mouth like this goodness and beauty, and the good effect is permanent, and such things remain from people. It rained in Pesingahan so much that they didn’t remember the like of it and it continued to rain until long after the bedtime prayer, and late at night, there was a slap in the door that the old men admitted that they don’t remember such a slap, and with many trees that were cut from the beech and with He brings himself, he suddenly came to his head. The herdsmen searched and lost their lives, and the herdsmen and the flood carried away the cows and horses and reached the bridge and the passage was narrow.
How was it possible that all those flowers and trees and charpa could pass at once? And the opening was closed; As the water had no way to pass and fell on the bridge, and the trail of the flood, like a confused army, reached the road, and the water rose from the riverbed and flowed in the markets and reached the money changers’ market and caused a lot of damage, and its greatest art is that the bridge He moved the shops and found his way and destroyed many caravanserais that were on his way, and the markets were all destroyed and the water came under the ramparts of the castle. As it was in the old days and before the time of Jacob Leith. And this great flood caused so much damage to the people that no accountant could handle its measurements, and the next day, people were standing on both sides of the river watching, and before noon the flood subsided. There was no bridge for a while, and people hardly came from one side of the river to the other side and from it to this side, until they built bridges again, and I heard from some reliable Zabulis that after the flood subsided, people found gold, wire, and ruined clothes that the flood had thrown there. Was. And the great and powerful God can know what blessings reached the poor.

Beyhaqi history

This post is written by monese_ghamgosar