List of audio books
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Seyed Mustafa Tajzadeh / Our parents are accused again
Nigel Rogers / Misbehaving Philosophers
Immanuel Kant / Lessons in moral philosophy
Ahmed Zaidabadi / From cold and hot times
Charles de Montesquieu / Spirit of Al-Quwanin
Mohammad Ali Homayoun Katoozian / Iran short-term society
Ahmed Shamlou / The Little Prince
Dino Butzati / Desert of the Tatars
Steve Jobs / The father who made his daughter’s life hell
Mance Shperber / Jabarit is the product of Jabar masses
Darun Ajamoglu / Why do nations fail?
Ali Bandari / Why do nations fail?
Salman Karakhani/ Why do nations fail?
Arash Naraghi / Ethics of human rights
Michael Harris / Benefits of running away from society
Sadegh Ziba Kalam / How we became us
Sheikh Fariduddin Attar Nishaburi
Gabriel García Márquez / One Hundred Years of Solitude
Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei / Tafsir al-Mizan
Carmen Fishwick / Instagram loves that narcissistic side of you
Bertolt Brecht / Mother
George Orwell / England, your England
Nicholas White / The History of Happiness
Dostoevsky / Bright Nights
Neil Brown / A Guide to Critical Thinking: Asking the Right Questions
Eric Fromm / Psychoanalysis and Religion
Jean-Paul Sartre / The Wall
Mohammad Jamalzadeh / Farsi is sugar
Sadegh Hedayat / Shadow of the Mughal
Hannah Arendt / The Names of Politics
Tom McCarthy / Maybe writing will bring a thousand walking dead back to life.
Sadegh Hedayat / Khayyam’s songs
Eric Fromm / The Art of Loving
Martin Luther King / I have a dream
Weinstein, Jack Russell / The Life and Thoughts of Adam Smith
Seyyed Mohammad Khatami / A letter for tomorrow
Sadiq Hedayat / Donkey
Noam Chomsky / A critical look at American politics
Eckhart Tole/Stillness Speaks
Scovel Shin / four works
Xavier Crement / Unconsciousness – a scientific guide to the diagnosis and treatment of the most dangerous disease in the history of mankind
Friedrich Nietzsche / So said Zarathustra
Erwin Yalom / When Nietzsche cried
Maqsood Farastkhah / We Iranians
Richard Bach / Jonathan Seagull
Jalal Al Ahmad / school principal
Audio book / Bostan Saadi
This is why men of thought
Lectures channel
This post is written by monese_ghamgosar