Finally, where is the position of Iran’s economy?

Finally, where is the position of Iran’s economy?

According to the official statistics of the World Bank and the dollar exchange rate in 1401 (year 2022), the gross domestic product of our country was 413 billion dollars, which placed Iran in the 36th place in the world.
But there is a problem here that people do not have the same purchasing power due to reasons including hidden subsidies. This means that two countries with the same GDP may have different purchasing power.
To solve these problems, a method called purchasing power parity (PPP) is used, which by adjusting the GDP of countries in a realistic way, a basis for comparing different economies can be obtained.
Based on this index and according to the statistics of the World Bank; Iran ranks 21st in the world with a gross domestic product of 1600 billion dollars ($1.6 trillion).
But this index cannot fully express the economic situation of the people.
By dividing this index by the population of countries, Iran will be ranked 80th in the world. This means that the purchasing power and quality of economic life of the Iranian people is in the 80th place in the world.

Amarfakt, the specialized authority of the country’s statistics and the first center for conducting surveys in cyberspace

This post is written by s_h_mosavi1