11th grade Persian literature

#Persian the literature
#11th grade
#test_questions (scope: first six lessons)

first question).
Mark the spelling mistakes of the following words with numbers.
Ghario and Hazahz Firouze Fam shrine. Faruk Vasudeh Raqat prediction

second question)
Write the meaning of the given words

a. The criterion of (fake) friends is the day of need
b. Tents and (sails) were put up

third question)
Write the grammatical role of the specified words in the following sentence
a. To give strength for the day
b. We hear that Judge Bast (Bowalhasan Bolani) is in a tight spot

fourth question).
The concepts (man’s inability to understand God, God’s guidance, God’s forgiveness, God’s planning) are listed in which option

a. Don’t turn wisdom into light
Stay forever in darkness

b. according to the state of the world
That straw is a hair and small

J. Be wise in this way
who says he is not aware of anything

d. It is open in the absence of kindness
He gave everyone what he deserved
1) A. J. B. D. 2) c. a. d. b
3) J.A.B.D. 4) A. B. C. D

fifth question)

In the following phrase, the meaning of the specified sections. What is in parentheses?
People who are used to (dark and doorless houses) avoid (open and light-catching windows).

The sixth question
Write the common meaning of the following verses.

a. Skip the repair of the heart, the architects of love
On the first day, they painted this ruined ruin

b. He knew that he had a captive heart
It has an incurable pain

The seventh question
Write the verse before this verse.

The end is burnt by its rawness
The path of Quebec is not learned

The eighth question.
In which option, two stanzas have a mutual meaning
But as soon as the leaves fell from the branch, it blossomed and gave leaves twice

b. Chu passed that difficult war from that unfathomable sea easily

J. The fire fell on the enemy army
Zatesh also became a little more burning

d. He danced in the water among the waves
To the dance of death of massive stars

ninth question
In the following text, there are several (descriptive and additional combinations) respectively.
((Comparative literature is one of the important branches of contemporary literary sciences that informs us about the influence of the literature of different nations of the world. The evolution and flourishing of the literature of any nation is impossible without the thoughts of other nations.))

a. Seven. seven b. seven _ nine

J. eight. eight . D. Eight _ nine

Tenth question
((Becoming)) in which verse has a different meaning from other verses?

a. Unless Lale knew about Dehr’s disloyalty
Don’t hold the cup until it is full

b. Mehtri Gar is like a lion
Take a risk, seek cold milk

J. I became like a thread of weakness and happiness

that one day my friend will become one with that gem

d. Military! Be light, be friends
You stayed and they became sad

The eleventh question
Which option’s words have the same kind of semantic relationship?
a. (Edbar and Iqbal) _(Yekin and Wegman) _(Safaht and lack of intellect)

b. (Roaring and awesome)

J. (Leopard)
d. (bed and bed)