A property with an area of 22.5 hectares, 11 hectares around the wall, a shed measuring 1,500 meters with a capacity of 3,500 tons of fodder or grain storage, a fattening shed measuring 13 x 200 with a capacity of 17 pens and a capacity of 850 ostriches, two winter and summer growing sheds with a capacity of 13 pens and each one has a capacity of 650 ostrich chicks, a semi-deep well of 3 inches, 9 liters per second, and three-phase electricity with a dedicated transformer. which is taken from 4 documents and 6 dongs equipped with a hatchery hall and a setter hall for raising and processing ostrich eggs and a rack machine with a capacity of 1400 eggs equipped with a sub-zero cold room and a welding workshop with all the equipment of a master villa and an air tanker villa environment with a capacity of 55 1000 liters with water purification system and cooling system and sanitary piping throughout the farm, food quota until 1405, it is a very suitable item and the price is more suitable than that, the price is 180 billion, can be cleared and paid with digital currency.
This post is written by D12Rz