In my opinion, it is good to hear the experience of others, but in the end, in any situation, everyone’s experience can be completely unique

In my opinion, it is good to hear the experience of others, but in the end, in any situation, everyone’s experience can be completely unique and completely different from others.

about myself
I wanted to study electricity – I was studying for the entrance exam only with this hope
When the answers came, my family forced me to send an architect (which is a male electricity and a female architecture and has a better work environment and income!).
When I went to the Faculty of Architecture, I showed my talent in design, and gradually I liked it (this made it more difficult because when I emigrated, I saw that I had to give it up, and that was also difficult).
I was annoyed by the senior exam – very good theory grade, very bad sketches.
Arshad himself was very carefree. With a master’s degree in architecture, you neither become an architect nor a designer, nor do you enter research

Later, when I started working, the salary and income was low (in the project, they pay for my workers and guards, but they take the designer’s rights, you have to fight with everyone, in the end, no matter what you do, your design is still in question, because the nature of the design is ambiguous).
Now that I came to apply, I see that after 11 years, I can’t study for a professional master’s degree again – I don’t have enough funds. The income of an architectural designer is less than that of an engineering graduate (almost half), and the process of obtaining a residency is more difficult
I would like to study my Master of Science, but the story is completely different and it seems like I have to start from scratch and create my own resume.

But among my colleagues and friends, I know people who enjoy studying architecture as a professional work, and they are okay with everything when I migrate.
In general, everything that I dislike in this growth and job, they love it
Take your time to find your own way, you are at a very good age.

This post is written by Ellaafroo