(Free Tribune of Iranbanan Movement)
A series of talks by Iranban Bahram Abtin, the spokesman of the Iranbanan (ethnic solidarity) movement.
To create a coalition of pragmatic fighters to overcome the tyranny of the ruler and to establish the rule of law derived from the collective wisdom of the wise people of our society.
This program: talk
With Mr. Oudeh Afraavi, one of the Arab Iranian political activist intellectuals (master’s degree in clinical psychology)
In line with the necessity of national solidarity among different ethnicities and strata, sympathy and fellow countrymen to overcome the tyranny of the ruler and establish the rule of law derived from the collective wisdom of the wise people of our society.
On the basis of self-management by the elected elites of the people.
⏳ Tuesday 25th of February 1401
It’s 11:30 p.m. in Iran
9 nights in Central Europe.
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We make sense together.
#Iranian peoples
#Iranbanan Movement
# Nationwide strikes
#Strikes across the country with the lever of the people’s uprising
#wanting_means_getting up
This post is written by Bahramabtin