I am a general practitioner with pride (don’t let the knife touch the bone)
I have friends and colleagues who are specialists and super-specialists, their tails are hot
My population is 86 thousand people
All emergency departments of hospitals work for me from night to morning (in this regard, I save thousands of lives during minutes, hours, days, months and years)
If the heart stops, I have to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (you know how sensitive and difficult and complicated it is)
If a leg is amputated, a lung wall is torn, someone commits suicide, a body is torn with a machete, until the dear specialist colleagues arrive, I have to take care of the patient (this treatment includes closing a large vein, tens of stitches, placing an NG nasogastric tube -tube, tracheal intubation, placing a chest tube, and
If I am in a border village and it is 200 km from the city
I am a doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology because the distance is long and I have to have a baby
I am a surgical specialist because I have to perform all small emergency and non-emergency surgeries
I need a dermatologist to open the pus boils, remove the inflamed moles and. I have to do hundreds of skin treatments
An orthopedic doctor. People don’t have the money to come to town. I have to solve their orthopedic problems until they don’t need an operating room.
I am an expert. I am
Think about it, the vice president of treatment tells me to remove a scar, I will remove your father, I will take care of you if you peel, I will take care of you, if you do a shrinking surgery, I will shrink you, if you do cupping, you will be filled, if you do a laser, I will do something like that, they are totally threatening.
What will happen if all of us general doctors stop working for one hour when all the dear specialists are sleeping, for example at 2 in the middle of the night?
Do not let the knife reach the bone
Do not let death and life become one
Don’t let us go to the last wire
I swear
Dr. Hassan Haj Talebi
This post is written by nabizadedr