If an accident happens to a worker and social security is forced to pay for treatment, compensation and pension, it goes to the employer.

If an accident happens to a worker and social security has to pay for treatment, compensation and pension, it goes to the employer.

If the accident or illness is due to the negligence of the employer, the social security will take damages from the percentage of the employer’s fault. (Article 66 of the Social Security Law)

Now, this law has a note 1 about pension, according to which if the employer pays the worker’s pension for a maximum of 10 years at once, the social security will not be considered for the pension issue!

Now the insurance companies cover this case in the employer’s liability insurance, but not all of it.

For example, the insurance companies of Iran, Alborz, Karabhar and Asia, whose contracts I saw, only cover the note 1 of article 66. Note 1 only related to the pension and the issue of the cost of treatments and compensations. does not cover

Apart from this issue, apart from Entrepreneur’s Insurance, the other 3 companies that I checked, only cover pensions related to work accidents; If the subject of illness is also mentioned in article 66.
That is, if the worker is disabled due to the employer’s negligence in complying with health regulations and due to illness, among these 4 companies, only the entrepreneur _wrote the insurance text in such a way that_ it is covered.

But the entrepreneur is not kind in one case:
At the moment, the social security organization’s claim coverage limit covers up to 120 million per person and finally up to 240 million during the insurance period. (usual mode and no license required)

During the insurance period, Iran and Asia cover social security claims as much as the number of death and disability obligations, and the ceiling above 120m can be purchased without a license (Alborz offers up to 85m for each person without a license).

The last issue is to consider the ceiling of this coverage as at least 120 times the highest salary base that you reject to social security.
For example, when your cook’s salary base is 55 tomans a day due to the restaurant’s 1st grade and the busy environment, and after 30 days, his salary will be 1 and 650; You need about 210 m coverage for social security claims
Of course, this 55 tomans will increase by 36.5% in a few days

personal opinion:

If I were an employer and the conditions of my workplace might cause worker’s disease, and on the other hand, the probability that more than two people would be injured in an accident is very low, my priority would be to buy an entrepreneur.

But if the conditions of my workshop are such that more than 2 people may be seriously injured in an accident, I would prioritize buying Iran insurance.



This post is written by amirsalimiQ