22 reasons why you should break up and end your relationship.
No one has ever been happier and more excited after a failed relationship. You are not supposed to party with your friends after the end of the relationship; Even when others support your decision to break up. Disconnecting can always be difficult. When you’re in a bad mood after a breakup, it can be easy to ask how you got through it all. Here are 22 signs that prove you’ve made the right decision. We hope that by reading them, you will feel a little relieved and move on with your life.
1. You are constantly afraid of leaving.
2. You compare yourself with other couples and see them as happier than you.
3. Whenever you think about past memories, you first remember bitter memories and arguments.
4. Both of you are jealous of each other.
5. The relationship with this person made you not feel good about your interests.
6. You don’t feel good that he is constantly pursuing your career goals.
7. He will lose his friends because of this relationship.
8. You are constantly competing with each other and trying to be better than the other.
9. You reveal your private issues and problems in such a way that they overshadow the good memories of the past.
10. You don’t feel comfortable with this person in front of your family.
11. In order to be approved by the family, you have to hide something.
12. You have to compete to get love.
13. One of you is constantly worried about the future of the relationship and separation. (feeling insecure)
14. Small conflicts always lead to arguments and even fights.
15. You constantly have to choose between your interests and those of the other party; One has to conform to another’s standards.
16. One of the parties to the relationship constantly threatens the other with separation.
17. Only when you vent your negative feelings to the other party do you feel happy.
18. People around you think that one of you is superior to the other. (so to speak, you or the other party is the head)
19. You depend on others for emotional support and ultimately you don’t get the desired result.
20. You love yourself so much that you constantly punish others and blame them for everything that happens without reason.
21. Because you are not honest with each other, your life and relationship will never be complete.
22. You are more worried about the future of your relationship than he is and that’s why you get confused.
Source: article-Sierra Horton-Sierra-horton
Editing: Mrs. Fereshteh Khoshnood Bahramzadeh
This post is written by Sara_b_h