Consumption of apple cider vinegar in poultry drinking water

Consumption of apple cider vinegar in poultry drinking water

1. Acidic water: (water mixed with apple vinegar) causes appetite in the bird.

2. Acidic water prevents diseases such as bloody diarrhea.

3. This water reduces the level of megabacteria.

4. Acidic water helps in the digestion of food and makes the work of the digestive system easier.

5. It reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria and increases the number of useful bacteria.

7. Apple vinegar is also very useful in disinfecting the environment.

Apple cider vinegar is a very strong antibiotic and disinfectant, and its antibacterial and antifungal properties increase the power of the poultry’s immune system to resist diseases.

Vitamins and minerals in apple cider vinegar:
It contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, copper, iron and fluorine, and it also contains vitamins E and C, beta-carotene and B1, B2, B6.

Apple cider vinegar is very useful and effective in the treatment of infectious diseases, especially intestinal parasites, and in the treatment of poisoning in the hot seasons of the year.

Birds that use this water are less affected by coccidiosis (a parasitic disease that results in bloody or white diarrhea).

It reduces the spread of megabacteria.

It is compatible with the digestive juices of the digestive system.

It is rich in vitamins A and C and minerals, calcium, phosphorus and potassium, which are effective in improving the immune system and vitality of the poultry, as it helps to digest food and break down minerals, fat and absorb proteins.

Vinegar is used to prevent internal and external parasites such as worms or lice.

Vinegar also lowers the pH level in the stomach and intestines, which is slightly acidic and helps digestion.

Also, when the chicken suffers from respiratory problems, vinegar is effective in treating it.

1- Natural antibiotic
2- Stress reliever
3- Helping to treat diarrhea
4- Help increase appetite
5- Helping to digest the layered food

Healing herbal extracts


This post is written by Shafaiyy