#25 chess bubble 101 thousand tomans (6 pieces)
#30 chess bubbles 140 thousand tomans (4 pieces)
#25 tulips, 128,000 tumans (12 pieces)
#30_bubble_tulips 186.5 thousand tomans (4 pieces)
#25 bubbles with lines, 101 thousand tomans (6 pieces)
#30 bubbles with lines, 140 thousand tomans (4 pieces)
#20 bubbles, 120,000 tomans basket (12 pieces)
#25 bubbles, 173,000 tomans (8 pieces)
#20 colored bubbles 78 thousand tomans (12 pieces)
#25 colored bubbles 102 thousand tomans (6 pieces)
#20_bubble_leaves 78 thousand tomans (12 pieces)
#25-leaved bubble 101 thousand tomans (6 pieces)
#30_bubble_leaves 140 thousand tomans (4 pieces)
#25 pineapple bubbles 125 thousand tomans (12 pieces)
#30 pineapple bubbles 186 thousand tomans (8 pieces)
#25 bubbles 101 thousand tomans (6 pieces)
#Habab_30_pichak 140 thousand tomans (4 pieces)
#25 waved bubbles 101 thousand tomans (6 pieces)
#30 waves bubble 140 thousand tomans (4 pieces)
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This post is written by poshtibanishahrnoor