Daydreaming while reading

#imagining while #studying

The biggest reason that causes us to fantasize while studying and our mind goes to thoughts that are out of the scope of studying and distracts us is lack of concentration. Observing and implementing the following effective points can reduce this educational problem for most candidates and as a result Increase the speed of learning.
The study place should only be for studying, not eating, sleeping, internet, watching TV, playing mobile games, etc., so that when you are in this place, only academic thoughts come to your mind and not disturbing interference.

Have a voluminous and mandatory curriculum. That means, limit yourself to complete the lesson at a specific time and topic. So that the mind does not have time to focus on the sidelines other than the lesson and is only involved in studying.

Use the speed reading method to focus and escape from daydreaming thoughts. Although you won’t master the topic 100% by doing this, it is great for concentration.

If while studying, thoughts other than studying come to you, quickly write down these thoughts on a piece of paper so that you can think about them later and in another place.

Divide the study into smaller periods of time so that you have the most efficiency in learning. The shorter these periods of time are, the more concentrated you will be during learning, and the brain will not have a chance to fantasize.

Try to rest for 10 minutes after every 45 minutes of studying, get up, have something to eat. This short break is for your brain, not your body, which causes more blood supply and higher concentration.

If you see that the brain is starting to fantasize, read aloud. This is the only way to quickly return to concentration.

Read dynamically and actively. Be sure to summarize and take notes while reading. Mark the important things. By doing this, you are entering a lot of data into the brain, and the brain will be involved in processing these data and recording information, and will not have a chance to imagine anymore.
Get used to it, practice not to be distracted by the smallest movement and sound and continue studying with concentration. As time goes by, this issue will become normal for you and you will become indifferent.

Inherently, the brain needs activity and thinking, so if you don’t engage and focus your mind on the subject of the lesson, it will engage itself in intellectual topics and margins.

Be sure to have a competitor at your level and in the same field, because the fear of falling behind the competitor causes you to focus all your attention on the lessons.

More concentration during the day. Try to study throughout the day, of course, this point is different for different people and depends on the mental conditions and interests of each person.

Being tired or hungry while studying causes lack of concentration in studying.

To increase mastery in a subject, focus only on one subject at a time so that the brain can better analyze and record the input data.

Maintain your peace in any situation. A lot of anger and excitement are the enemies of concentration and lead the brain to stray thoughts and daydreams.

Be sure to design a test yourself while studying and after studying and be sure to take the tests of the topic you have read. This variety in studying will make you progress step by step in that lesson.

Always keep a pen in your hand. Writing while studying is the biggest weapon in the war against imagination, and on the other hand, it is one of the main factors of success in technical learning of the material. In this case, the brain will be able to decode the material quickly, automatically and due to many exercises in writing topics. slow
vajdi consultant

This post is written by emamrezayegharibb