Azim Steel Foundation Company


You have 50 years of successful experience in the iron market
Supplier of profile (thickness 2 to 6 mil) in retail and wholesale form
Supplier of all types of pipes (thickness 2 to 3 mils) in all sizes

Thickness 2
100×40 80×40 50×30 40×20 
60×60 60×40 30×30 40×40 
60×30 50×50 20×20   

French frame shield coiled lapel

2.5 thickness
120×120 120×60 80×80 70×70 60×30 40×40 30×30
100×80 100×60 20×20 40×20 50×30 60×4080×40      
100×50 100×40 90×90 30×20 40×30 50×50 60×60       
100×100 80×60     
Thickness 3
135×135 120×120 100×6060×30 40×40 30×30
120×60 100×100 90×90 80×60 70×70 60×40    
100×5050×30 40×20 40×3050×50 50×50                
100×40 60×60 80×40 80×80      
Thickness 4
180×180 135×135 120×200 120×120 120×60 100×60  
100×50 100×100 100×40 90×90 80×80 70×70
80×60 80×40 60×60 60×40 60×30 40×40  
50×50 50×30 40×30 40×20 30×30     

Thickness 5
180×180 160×160 100×50 100×100 60×60
135×135 120×120 100×40 90×90 80×40 

Thickness 6
180×180 160×160 100×100 80×80
135×135 120×120 120×60 90×90

Thickness 12

Thickness 2: Thickness 2.35: Thickness 2.5: Thickness 3:
Pipe 48, pipe 32, pipe 32, pipe 48, 60, 76
Pipe 60 Pipe 48 Pipe 48
Pipe 76 Pipe 60 Pipe 60

Sales experts


Under the management of Mr. Shebastri

This post is written by foolad24_adv