If you want your mother-in-law to fall in love with you, read it.
Codes of communication with the mother-in-law:
One of the most difficult relationships that we women have is with the husband’s family, especially the mother-in-law. When we get married, most of us don’t notice that we are joining another family. This family may have customs, behaviors and habits contrary to ours. When these differences of opinion or differences in the field of customs, etc. enter your family, conflict and conflict will begin. So how much conflict is tolerable and acceptable?
It depends on the people involved in the discussion.
If you have good relations with everyone and you have the art of communication, it is not unlikely that you will also have good relations with your wife’s mother because communication is a social skill.
First of all, it is good to know the mother-in-law.
Who is the mother-in-law?
1. First, the mother-in-law is a woman. Therefore, like you, she has had a mother-in-law once, and if you want to bypass her or make her a play bride, she will quickly understand, because she has torn 4 more shirts than you and has been playing the role of the bride for a long time. .
2⃣ Second, he is also a human being like you. I said this so that you know that some people consider mothers-in-law to have mythical powers that are not very real.
3. A mother-in-law is a mother.
Being a mother is associated with being compassionate and kind. If you see a mother-in-law taking care of the bride and groom a lot, it is not because of malice; A little is related to women’s curiosities and a lot to the heart of women’s concerns.
4⃣ The mother-in-law is thin-hearted. Family psychologist Neyre Sajdi says: The mother-in-law is not always the strong and powerful character that you have seen on TV. Many mothers-in-law come from previous generations and traditional families. In traditional families, sometimes women allowed the highest cruelty to each other.
This psychologist adds: sometimes the mother-in-law is a suffering mother who has never seen anything but aggressive from her son, and now when she sees that her son, when he is fruitful, allows her to do all the things that she was withholding from him, she is heartbroken, and sometimes He compares himself with the bride and wants to redefine his position in front of the bride. Sometimes, all these things are because of boredom, and a simple commute, even for half an hour, can reduce these boredoms.
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