Western price list of Iranian poultry

Western price list of Iranian poultry

The prices are limited and the delivery time is fixed

Hijri ostrich chicks, delivered 10 days after the order, the price is around 500, the prices are up to date
1-week chicken, delivered 15 days after the order, the price is around 520 tons, the prices are up-to-date
Chicken 2 weeks old, delivered 20 days after the order, price 570
20-day-old chicken, delivered 1 month after the contract, price 620 TND
1 month old chicken, delivered 45 days after order, price 650

Buying fodder from Khorasan, 28,000 TND
Buying fat, delivery to Tehran, 31000 TND

attention attention

Carcass without fat, 64,000 tons
Fat carcass 62000 tons
Ron Bastkhon. 80000 broadcast
Ron Bastkhon 82000t shop
Boneless meat 92000 Tt
Heart and liver. 50,000 tons
Fillet. 95000 tons
Right. 60,000 t
550,000 tons of meat
60 grams of ostrich oil, pumped melon, 7000 tons
Ostrich oil, 120 grams, 10,000 tons
Ostrich oil, 30 grams, 4000 tons
Ostrich soap 8000 tt
Ostrich shampoo 15000 tt
Ostrich sun cream 22000 Tt
15 tons of pure oil per kilogram, 100% total and 25000 tons of parts
Ostrich fat is 12,000 tons in total and 200,000 tons in parts
The price starts from 10,000 TND and above