The Complete Guide to Social Security Student Insurance

The Complete Guide to Social Security Student Insurance

In this insurance, future student records are combined with other social security insurance records and can be calculated at the time of retirement. It can also be transferred to other pension funds.

There is no limit on the simultaneous use of the parents’ insurance book and this insurance. Also, if you don’t have a notebook, you can get medical services by paying a monthly amount.

This facility only includes students who are studying and have a student card and does not include graduates of previous years. The age range of using this insurance is from 18 to 50 years old.

Like self-employment insurance, 3 types of insurance premium payment rates are defined:

1. The payment rate is 12% + 2% government share
Retirement and death after retirement
518 thousand tomans per month

2⃣ Payment rate 14% + 2% government share
Retirement and death before and after retirement
604 thousand tomans per month

3⃣ Payment rate 18% + 2% government share
Retirement, death and disability
777 thousand tomans per month



#Azad_Islami_University_of Mashhad

This post is written by teda_admin