A few very important points
1) Back exams that are remedied based on the year they are given the level body test, not the year they graduate.
2) When you repair, the grades before and after your repair will be adjusted to it, and the grade that has a higher level will be counted in your records.
For example, maybe the sociology score of 14 June 1403 will give you a higher level than the score of 15 June 1402, so this will be included in the records.
3) Only in June you have the opportunity to restore, create a record and re-diploma, and September and September are for those who have not passed the course. Take action course names
4) Those whose diploma is not the same as the entrance exam they want to take (change of majors) naturally have non-common courses and they must create them because they will not be accepted from their entrance exam and it will be counted as zero in their records.
5) If you have the records of the field you want to take the entrance exam, you can repair it yourself, you can not, but if you have low grades, you must go and repair it because we all know how important the records are in the result of the entrance exam.
Of course, the notice says that even if you have a score of 20, you can repair
Because maybe the score of June 20, 1403 will be higher than that of June 1402
6) They didn’t say anything about the opportunity to renew, so for the time being, they have to wait for the exams that use the opportunity to renew.
7) This year, if you re-registered for the remedial exams, creating records, or re-registering for the diploma, but for any reason, you did not attend the meeting (even excused absence), your opportunity will be lost and you will be given a zero grade in the records of that course. There is no problem and you can take the exam in June
8) It is true that all grades are final this year, but for the 1403 entrance exam, only the 12th grade in the Melaka records and the 11th and 10th years are being held for the impact of the records in the 1404 and 1405 entrance exams.
9) If you restore the overall GPA and your written record, it will not change, because the main purpose is to restore the grades, not the GPA, and if, for example, the college GPA is below 14, you only have to go to another field other than the one for which you have a diploma, and get the diploma again, and by restoring or creating You can’t fix history.