A successful organization similar to a football team

A successful organization similar to a football team

Just like a football team, if people and fans are going to love us, it is necessary to follow some tips and principles. Because first we have to become a successful organization and company so that people like our product and get it.

Therefore, the success factors of an organization or the internal layers of an organization can be summarized as follows;
1- Management and leadership
2- Strategic management
3- Team building
4- Product
5- Marketing
6- Sales
7- Customer orientation
8 material resources

Management and leadership
Let me start with this proverb; The fish rots. That is, the success of a company and organization is summed up in having a successful manager and leader as the head of the group. Because the successful manager does not manage and lead all people in the same way, except in some cases and the basic rules of the company. A professional manager manages each person according to their needs and according to what motivates them. Of course, this method is very difficult and complicated. But, it is necessary to achieve success.

Strategic management
Is it possible to create an organization and not know in which direction it should move? What are the vision, mission statement and goals? What challenges are we facing?
In today’s rapidly changing world, having a goal is not enough to stay competitive. For the success of an organization, the manager must focus resources on the biggest possible opportunities that are changing day by day.
team building
Brian Tracy said, 95% of the success of an organization depends on human resources and the people who work in that organization. Therefore, if we are going to have a successful organization like a football team, we must learn to attract, train and manage the right people according to the needs of the organization.

Attention and focus on the price, quality and competitive advantage of the product. It means product features that should be paid attention to (according to the needs of the market).

Did we do the market research correctly? Is the market correctly segmented? Did the ads match the goals? Did we do the marketing right?

Naturally, the pulse or heart of any organization is sales. Therefore, if everything is perfect but the sales are not good, there will definitely be no result except failure.

Customer orientation
Peter Drucker, who represents presence, stated many years ago that the main purpose of business is to acquire and keep customers. The customer is the source of income for the company, so the customer should be considered as the most important factor of a company’s success. The most important factor for success in customer relations is to give them what they need, not to sell what we want.

Material resources
Having social capital and credit is very important in attracting material resources to start a business. Finances, facilities and equipment are among the most important material resources and key success factors of organizations. Just don’t underestimate the importance of cash flow so that you don’t fail.

summary; You must have the above items in good order to be successful. For example, you can’t have a good team or you haven’t done proper marketing, but your sales are high.
Safe from long intestine ;))


This post is written by Rimaazz1