Aerobic plants The most important thing about growing and maintaining aerobic plants is this

Aerobic plants

The most important thing about the cultivation and maintenance of aerobic plants is that all their needs including air, light, water and heat are well provided for them. You can move these plants outside in the summer so that they can benefit from sufficient light. In early autumn, it is better to transfer these plants to the greenhouse or indoor space.

One species of aerobic plant, Tillandsia or tropical pineapple, has hair-like particles called trichomes on its leaves through which it absorbs rain moisture. In some cases, these particles are so large that they look like ice particles.

Aerobic plants grow on twisted and knotted wood, shells and stones and use them as support. The decorative appearance of aerobic plants, their beautiful colors and unique flowers, attract attention, and make them popular among plant lovers.

Air conditioning:
Aerobic plants grow in areas where air flows well. Therefore, it is better to provide them a place that has proper ventilation.

Amount of light:
Aerobic plants and tillandsias need a lot of diffused light, so it is better to protect them from direct light by shading them. You can place them near the south window and behind the lace curtain.

Watering and fertilizing:
– From spring to autumn, on average 2 to 3 times a week, expose the plants to rainwater and let them dry for a few days.
– Do not use flake water to irrigate these plants, because in some areas these waters contain sodium bicarbonate, which collects on the hairs of these plants and blocks the penetration of air, light and sunlight.
– In high temperature and low humidity, it is better to increase the frequency of watering.
– Spraying water in hot weather helps to keep the plant moist.
– If the temperature drops to 12 degrees, avoid watering the plant.
– In summer, prepare some water with fertilizer for orchids and put aerobic plants in it at night. Note that Tillandsia species cannot stay in water for more than one night.
– After each watering period, let the soil of the plants dry and then do the watering again.
– When placing these plants in water, bend them down so that the water can easily drain out of them.

This post is written by www_AgriDelta_ir