All kinds of chickens

All kinds of chickens

1st grade: who are born without any problems.

2nd degree: they have a hard time pecking the shell and coming out.

3rd grade: These chickens are not able to peck at the shell and in this case the shell must be broken for them.

4th grade: these chicks are abnormal because their weight is low (normal weight is >700 gr) but it is often impossible to break and open the eggs by hand at the right time because they either break too early and at this time the bag The yolk is still clear or they break late, which means that the chicken is suffocated. Generally, grade 3 and 4 chickens face mortality.
As little assistance as possible should be given to hatchlings. Chickens that are born prematurely are exposed to umbilical cord and yolk sac infections, and the treatment of the umbilical cord area is done by disinfecting it with 7% free iodine or betadine.

Be careful when buying eggs to get enough information about the type of parents – the type of food ration during mating and egg laying and the results of the hatchery.

Asian Ostrich Farmers Group
Asian ostrich breeders channel