All the fruits that save you from insomnia

All the fruits that save you from insomnia!
About half of the general population in the United States suffers from sleep disorders, including insomnia. A disorder that causes anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
According to livelovefruit, along with methods such as drug therapy, consumption of certain food items, especially fruits, has been proven to play an important role in increasing sleep quality and preventing sleep disorders:

It contains large amounts of vitamins and polyphenols. Vitamin C and vitamin B6 found in apples improve breathing, control blood pressure, help the body relax and reduce stress during sleep.
Vitamin B16 in this fruit helps release serotonin. Polyphenols in apples regulate blood sugar levels at night.

Almonds are rich in magnesium and increasing the level of this mineral in the body can relax muscles and improve the quality of sleep in different people.
In addition, the high-quality protein in almonds can keep blood sugar levels stable during sleep. Keeping blood sugar stable during sleep makes jumping from sleep and feeling hungry during the night to the minimum possible. For this reason, it is better to add about 35 grams of raw almonds to your salad at dinner or eat 4 to 5 almonds one or two hours before going to bed.

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for the sleep-wake cycle and the body’s internal clock, and cherries are a rich source of this hormone.
Studies have shown that drinking cherry juice twice a day for two weeks increases sleep time by 90 minutes in those who suffer from insomnia. Consuming cherries also increases longevity.

Just like cherries, it is a rich source of melatonin. If consumed in large quantities before bedtime, grapes help promote uninterrupted sleep. In addition to the profound effect of grapes on sleep quality, this fruit is rich in anthocyanins and resveratrol, both antioxidants that strengthen the immune system.

The mediator is tryptophan, and tryptophan is used by the body to produce 5-HTP. Melatonin and serotonin are in turn produced by the compound 5-HTP and both are effective for improving sleep quality.
Bananas also contain potassium, which helps prevent nighttime sleep interruptions. If you do not have a good sleep experience during the night, mix a banana with a glass of warm milk and eat it about half an hour before going to bed.

This post is written by jm30303030