And Sorb Mos And Sorb Mos

And Sorb Mos

Complete toxin binder with proprietary mechanism

Made in Spain

Mixed powder in animal and poultry feed in a 20 kg bag
Processed bentonite
Processed clinoptilolite
Yeast (Sc)
Yeast cell wall

in broiler
Using End Sorb Mouse increases body weight and improves feed conversion ratio and reduces diseases.
Sanitization of feed and absorption of fungal toxins by the multi-component binder toxin End Sorb Mouse improves the function of the liver and kidney, digestive system and intestines, and improves the absorption of nutrients and elements in grains and concentrates.

In laying poultry and pullets
Binder and Sorb mouse toxin reduces the excretion of calcium and phosphorus in the diet and increases the quality of the egg shell and uniformity in the breeding of chickens due to its specific mechanism. The lack of complete absorption of the energy sources of the diet and oils due to the fatty liver caused by mycotoxins and the liver Yellow increases liver and abdominal fat and has a negative effect on the formation of yolk in the ovarian follicle and causes a lot of damage in commercial laying herds.

In broiler and laying hens
End Sorb Mouse improves fertility in broiler and egg laying hens through no change in estrogen production and genital inflammation and prolapse.

In livestock and ruminants

And Sorb Mousse improves the quality of milk and meat production by changing the nutrient conversion factor and also prevents infertility and abortion in high-producing cows (mycotoxicosis abortion).
Reducing the number of inoculations per pregnancy and reducing oral, mucosal and skin infections are among the functions of End Sorb Mouse.

*Protect your herd against fungal and edible toxins with a one-time cost and improved feed production*.

Based on the prescription of the veterinarian and the diet specialist and the amount of contamination

In poultry, 0.5 to 2.5 kg per ton of feed

In livestock, 15 to 25 grams per head per day or 0.5 to 2.5 kg in feed or silage material.

Amash Pars Chemical Company is an importer of health-oriented products from Spain
Contact telephone of the sales department

This post is written by Andcid66900144