Migrant smuggling network arrested in Latvia
Latvian police found 27 migrants in a car and an abandoned building near the border with Belarus. Authorities arrested three people on suspicion of smuggling migrants. From 2021, Western countries accuse Belarus of sending migrants to the EU’s eastern borders to destabilize member states.
Police found 16 migrants during a random check in a car near the border with Belarus and Russia, Euronews reported. According to police, the smugglers took the migrants’ belongings (phones, money) and imprisoned them. Police arrested the driver of the car.
The migrants were undocumented, but police said they were 13 Pakistanis, two Afghans and one Indian.
During the police investigation into the migrants, officers searched a farm in the eastern Callop district and found 11 other Pakistani and Bangladeshi migrants trapped in the basement of an abandoned building. Police arrested two Letons in this connection.
Latvia to strengthen border guards with Belarus
From 2021, Poland, Lithuania and Estonia will accuse Russia of sending migrants to the EU. They say Moscow wants to disrupt the stability of the union.
Meanwhile, European countries accuse Belarus of organizing a wave of migrants to the EU.
Latvia has strengthened its border forces to counter the tensions. Lithuania has also built a 550-kilometer-long barbed wire fence along its border with Belarus.
Latvia took a new step in April 2023, passing a law allowing volunteer citizens to patrol along the border with Belarus. These citizens can use weapons to push migrants back from the border if necessary.
According to Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusian organizations, more than 150,000 migrants have been deported from eastern European borders since 2021. According to the same organizations, 116 migrants have died at these borders during the same period.
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This post is written by God003