Author: chahooki
Government and Housing Pricing: Yes, No
Government and Housing Pricing: Yes, No Considering the responsibility that I had in the Deputy Housing and Building Department of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, I have been faced with the question of whether it is necessary for the government to intervene in the issue of housing price control. To answer this question,…
Medication or psychotherapy
Medicine or psychotherapy? Unfortunately, most of us have little information about drug therapy and psychotherapy, and we do not know when to go to a psychiatrist and neuropsychologist and when to go to a psychologist and psychotherapist. The truth is that drugs do not really cure our personality and personality change (to some extent) happens…
And respect from the heavy channel of engineering thinking, we have always seen eloquent reviews in the field of engineering services
Greetings and respect We have always seen eloquent criticisms in the field of engineering services from the channel of heavy engineering thinking. An article regarding the letter of engineering associations was included, it seems to be out of fairness. Therefore, the following items are mentioned, it is hoped that they will be published on the…
Soren Tejarat Varna (Ghior)
Soren Tejarat Varna (Ghior) Hello, 12/21/1400 Golden oil rape Deposit? Instant download Contact numbers: 09155389015 051 _ 37 655 655 Internal sales 106 This post is written by sorentejarat_vn
Pouyan Foulad Asal Company
Pouyan Foulad Asal Company (special shares) Management: Ahmadi Field of activity: Supply and distribution of all kinds of iron Types of steel sheets hot (black), cold (oil), acid washing, tin plated, ribbed, colored and galvanized Produced by Mubarake Foulad Company and the products of other factories (Gilan Steel, Ahvaz Rolling and Pipe, West Asia Steel,…
Natural Burst brand
Natural Burst brand MADE IN USA It provides 24 hours of sustained energy and makes you sharper and more alert than ever These statements have been evaluated by the US FDA and government agencies. One hundred percent herbal and slimming pills Amped slimming pill Vitamin B-1. (1.5mg) Vitamin B-2. (1.7mg) Vitamin B-3. (30mg)…
Export oriented entrepreneurship
Export oriented entrepreneurship We examined the importance of export-oriented entrepreneurship to some extent and said: companies that have a greater desire to expand export activities and entrepreneurial exports show a higher level of entrepreneurial orientation. That is, the internal and external factors of the organization are very effective on the level of export entrepreneurship of…
Shotcrete in tunneling
Shotcrete in tunneling The function of shotcrete in the tunnel is to create a semi-hard coating immediately on the excavated rock or soil. In order for shotcrete to adhere well to the stone surface, it must have a high initial strength, a high degree of plasticity and toughness, and prevent the movement of the ground.…
portfolio Many of your friends see foreign portfolios and say that it’s good because it doesn’t have renderings and most of them are post pro and rando digital, you must do a good job, full of post pro and rando digital
#portfolio Many of your friends see foreign portfolios and say, well, because there is no rendering and most of them are post pro and digital rando, you must do a good job, full of post pro and digital rando. But the reality is something else. In our dear country, Iran, its people have God-given wealth…
But which virus, this is an interesting discussion
But which virus, this is an interesting discussion! The article that I put in the group is a summary of numerous scientific articles, farm observations and breeders’ reports from the region of Khorasan, Semnan, Isfahan and Yazd. Maybe friends do not have hands on research and scientific work and scientific experiments due to busy work,…