Author: chahooki
Inventory list of corners and studs
Inventory list of #corners and #gutters Date: 10/30/1402 Delivery: #Anbar_Tehran # corner #Nesta_factory Corner 3.2.5 (7kg) 250000 Corner 4.2.5 (9kg) 250000 4.3 corner (5.10 kg) 250000 Angle 2.5/5 (12kg) 255000 Corner 3.5 (14kg) 250000 Angle 5.4 (18kg) 245000 Angle 5.5 (22kg) 245000 #Parse_Factory Angle 2.5/4 (9kg) 250000 Corner 4/4 (14kg) 250000 Corner 3.5 (14kg) 250000…
Download the latest version of Telegram (version 4
Download the latest version of Telegram (version 4.8.6) was released on Google Play a few moments ago: download and update via Google Play (link below) #Furi / anti-filter Telegram?! Milad Nouri, a technology expert, wrote in his Telegram channel: In some Telegram channels, there is news about the anti-filter version of Telegram, and I…
Soren Tejarat Varna (Ghior)
Soren Tejarat Varna (Ghior) Items of Ava Tejarat Saba (model) Hello, 1400/5/02 Kermanshah rapeseed meal Deposit? Weight of money.? Do you have a period? Loading 8 to 10 days Receive the address by 9 am on Monday Contact numbers: 09155389015 051 _ 37 655 655 Internal sales 106 This post is written by sorentejarat_vn
Where did Pahlavi go wrong?
* Where did Pahlavi go wrong?!* ((This text is without approval, bias and rejection of the Pahlavi government, and it is sent only for clarity, and the admin has no intention)) This article is not written to purify the former government, but for some reasons behind our own backwardness and mistakes during the revolution compared…
@khadamatsanatplastik channel link
Channel link @khadamatsanatplastik 2102 / tulip / available / price: 5,850 020 / Bandar Imam / Available / Price: 5,850 2100 / tulip / available / price: 6,090 0075 / Bandar Imam / Available / Price: 5,960 2420H / Amirkabir / Available / Price: 5,800 190 / Aria Sasol / Available / Price: 5,920 209AA…
The useful life of the building and the responsibility of engineers
#Umar #Mufid #Building and #Responsibility #Engineers One of the ambiguities in the national regulations and other laws related to the civil engineering community, and of course for the expert community, is the non-transparency and vagueness of the definition of the useful life of a building. In spite of the fact that in topic 2, the…
Another look at why Zarif resigned
#look_other Why did Zarif resign? Jafar Mohammadi Just at the time when Iran’s case was being investigated by numerous resolutions of the Security Council, under the seventh chapter of the Charter of Nations, and Iran was considered a threat to world peace and security from the point of view of international law, and precisely at…
Degradable nano masterbatch
Degradable nano masterbatch (with performance guarantee) The strongest and most effective decomposing additive with the lowest percentage of consumption / 100% decomposition of polymer in less than one year into water and carbon dioxide, which eventually turns into oxygen in the cycle of nature / to decompose all types of polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene products…
The question of all the candidates of the Master of Urbanism exam
The question of all the candidates of the Master of Urbanism exam How to study in the remaining time? Planning is always considered as the main pillar of targeted and optimal study. What topics to study at what time and how to include in the plan to consolidate the review and evaluate ourselves. @pardiskimiafekr Important…
A list of the most prominent standards related to the field of electrical engineering
A list of the most prominent standards related to the field of electrical engineering IEEE standards of the Society of Electronic Engineers in the field of electricity IEC standards of the International Electronics Committee NFPA standard in the field of fire fighting equipment and means ISO standards of the International Organization for Standardization API American…