*The psychology of Corona, you must read it*
1- The temperament of the corona virus is cold, that’s why people whose temperament is hot and dry are less likely to get the corona virus, and if they get it, they simply reject it and are not bothered. But people who have a colder and colder temperament, Corona annoys them and they get hurt. Most of the corona deaths are people with a colder temperament.
2- Why are the most casualties of Corona in Europe and America? Why is the most infected and affected in Iran in the north of Iran? The reason is to have a cold and wet temperament. In the southern regions of Iran, in African countries, in the Arab countries of West Asia, the deaths of Corona are much less, the reason being that they have a hot and dry climate.
3- Eating foods that have a cold and wet taste is like deadly poison for corona patients, unfortunately, many people and even hospital staff do not understand this issue, and because of this, corona patients are seriously harmed. For example, it is forbidden to eat yogurt, buttermilk, fish, cheese. These foods have a cold and wet taste. In hospitals, they give sour yogurt to corona patients and say that it has protein and calcium!!!! while intensifying his illness!!!
4- It is recommended to eat warm and dry foods to increase immunity. For example, eating garlic is great. Ginger tea, chamomile tea is great. It is recommended to eat hot food. Mutton is good. Do not eat beef and fish is cold. Arde and sesame halva is good. In short, try to keep your temper warm and dry. Of course, do not overdo it because the balance of temperament is important.
5- It is not recommended to wear a mask for a long time, because the mask prevents the entry of fresh oxygen into the body, and this itself is dangerous. The mask holds your exhaled air, which is carbon dioxide, and you breathe it in again, so the entry of fresh oxygen into your body is reduced. We recommend that you do not wear a mask in the open air. Take a walk and breathe deeply. If you have the opportunity to climb, be sure to get into the heart of nature and fill your body with oxygen. This is extremely important. If you enter dangerous and closed places, wear a mask only there. It is very harmful to wear a mask for a long time.
6_ The best way to clean the lungs against corona virus contamination is to smoke eucalyptus leaves, thyme and rose water. Breathing this incense works wonders. It cleanses the infected lung. In the second place, there is baking soda fumigation, these work wonders for cleaning the lungs of people infected with corona. Apple cider vinegar is also good. But the best incense is eucalyptus leaves and thyme.
7_ Use rose syrup and fresh lemon juice. Rose water is extremely effective. Rose water destroys the corona virus.
If you find symptoms of corona, do not be afraid or stressed at all. Attending the hospital is not recommended. Be sure to self-quarantine at home and treat yourself with herbal medicines of traditional medicine. Breathe natural oxygen. Have strong nutrition because Corona weakens the body. You know that most of the corona deaths are in the ICU department of hospitals. So be careful and don’t get yourself into the hospital. Few people have survived the ICU. Corona can be treated, even the death of one person is high. Of course, with the teachings of traditional medicine and the correct use of herbal medicine and home quarantine.
Oxygen capsules are not recommended, except where there is no natural oxygen! .
Natural oxygen is according to the body temperature, but the oxygen capsule is cold. Therefore, it cools the lungs of the sick person, and the lung infection grows more in a cold place, and this is a dangerous cycle.
A lung infected with a viral infection should be heated, not cold!!!
Therefore, clean the lungs with a warm towel on the chest and incense of eucalyptus leaves and thyme.
High temperature kills the virus.
For this reason, the body develops a fever in the case of a viral infection in order to destroy the virus at high temperature.
This post is written by hesabdari484