Brain disorders of premature babies “begin before birth in the mother’s womb”

Brain disorders of premature babies “begin before birth in the mother’s womb”

Neurosafari Even before birth, premature babies may show changes in the development of their brain circuits, according to the first-of-its-kind research.
According to Neurosafari, according to research by Yale School of Medicine researchers and their colleagues at the National Institutes of Health, premature babies show changes in their brain development even before they are born. The mentioned findings have been published in Scientific Reports, Nature publishing group. According to researchers, 10 to 11 percent of American babies are born prematurely. This new study shows that the factors involved in premature birth can affect brain development in the mother’s womb and cause significant disorders in nerve development, such as autism disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and cerebral palsy. .
In this study, researchers have used functional magnetic resonance in the supine position to determine the connection of nerves in the brain in utero for 32 fetuses with normal brain anatomy, 14 of which were born prematurely. between 24 and 35 weeks). Patients have been studied at Wayne State University, and Scheinost, as an assistant professor at the MRI Research Center at Yale School of Medicine, has used novel fMRI strategies to detect differences in neural networks between study groups.
The team found that neural connectivity was lower in fetuses that were later born prematurely. The findings were mostly related to the left hemisphere and pre-linguistic areas of the brain. Scheinost stated that it is very interesting to see the differences associated with preterm birth even a few weeks before the occurrence of preterm birth. Premature babies usually have changes in the language areas of the brain, and what is particularly surprising is that the fetal differences detected by us are also related to these language areas.
Another researcher and professor of pediatrics and neurology at Yale School of Medicine said that these findings show that premature babies show changes in their nervous system before birth. Disruption of nerve communication in the language areas in infants and long before their birth requires further study, but it is important for future research to examine both the prenatal causes and the consequences of preterm birth.
The team’s future research will focus on possible causes of preterm birth, such as infection and inflammation, to determine whether these conditions affect brain development in utero and, if so, how this effect occurs. They also conducted a long-term study on children.

This post is written by neurosafari