*Buyers and sellers should refrain from supplying and using wireless home phones without a regulatory license*
The Director General of the Spectrum Monitoring Office of the Radio Communications Regulatory Organization announced:
In the investigations carried out to identify sources of interference, it has been found that unauthorized wireless phones with DECT6, K-DECT and J-DECT technology, which have been illegally introduced into the market, interfere with mobile phone networks.
Azim Fard added: before supplying or mass supplying these equipments, the suppliers and sellers of wireless phones should refer to the regulatory information base at www.cra.ir, the useful access menu, the statistics and documents section, the regulations related to the purchase. Study and supply items whose technical specifications are in full compliance with the regulations and approved by the organization.
He clarified: The list of approved wireless home phones can be seen on the website of the Radio Communications Regulatory Organization, in the quick access menu, in the section of approved information and communication technology equipment.
*continue reading*
This post is written by ep2dl_d_Alipoor_RadioAmateur