Care of dialysis catheters

Care of dialysis catheters

Dressing: Both the patient and the nurse must use surgical masks during dressing.

The connection point of the catheter to the body should be cleaned with normal saline or white alcohol

Never use Betadine for cleaning because it will damage the catheter.

In any case, the patient should not be injected from the catheter site, and wherever you are hospitalized, you must inform the nurses of that department.

Do not use non-air-permeable dressings at the point where the catheter is attached to the body

In case of excessive sweating or bleeding or loosening of the dressing at the catheter site, the dressing should be changed daily.

Do not stand directly under the shower

Avoid taking a bath for at least two weeks during the application of Permiket, and then do this with the permission and approval of the nurse of the dialysis department.

Catheter clamps should not be opened and closed by the nurse except during dialysis.

The outer part of Permicate should never be immersed in bath water (for example, swimming pool).

Before taking a bath, lubricate the area where the catheter enters the body with mupirocin ointment and shorten the time of the bath as much as possible.


This post is written by hosseini1370z