Category: Uncategorized
Soren Tejarat Varna (Ghior)
Soren Tejarat Varna (Ghior) Hello, 07/15/2019 Items of the Saba Furniture Company (model) You can deposit Degussa for 855,000 Rials Receive the address at 9 am on Wednesday, deposit the money by 10 am on Wednesday Contact numbers: 09155389015 655 655 37 051 internal sales 106 This post is written by sorentejarat_vn
Communication with the customer
Communication with the customer In relation to customers, an important point that is raised is the issue of trust and privacy. Gaining trust for many brands is like emerging wealth that has a great effect on the minds of customers. If the privacy of the customers is preserved, there is a high probability that they…
This flood was a blessing from God
This flood was a blessing from God. Unfortunately, the recent floods caused destruction and casualties, but this same flood showed some experiences . He opened the mouth of the holy profiteer and the profiteer and plunderer nobles who brought what happened to the nature and created the flood in the north of the country. The…
Preparation and issuance of system and charter plane tickets
Preparation and issuance of system and charter plane tickets Direct VIP bus from Tehran to Türkiye every week and vice versa Direct flights Tehran, Istanbul 19 Azar 2450 March 20, 2010 21 Azar 2410 22 Azar 2880 27 Azar 2210 Istanbul, Tehran 19 Azar 3870 20 Azar 3040 21 Azar 2850 22 Azar 2410 23…
Items with unknown loading pattern
Price dated 04/06/98 Items with unknown loading pattern Brazilian corn 1355 deposit Ukraine corn 1305 deposit Kermanshah full fat soy pellets 3510 deposit Hyper energy vegetable oil 4460 deposit – weight of money? Joe Argentina, Bandar Imam 1355 deposit – weight of money? Kermanshah rapeseed meal 2410 deposit – money weight? Canola meal, only Caspian,…
Ambulatory salvation with amendments to the executive regulations of the twenty-third section of the law: amendment of the text of the signatories
Ambulatory salvation with amendments to the executive regulations of the law – Section twenty-three: lexical amendment of the signatories There is a lot to say about the wording amendment of Articles 3, 14, 16 of the Executive Regulations. For example, this executive regulation was established when the qualifications of the laboratory or the qualification of…
Introducing the software to participate in the big profits that companies like Up or Haft Heshad pocket
Introducing_Software Participating in the big profits that companies like Up or Haft Hashad pocket!! Interesting action of 7030 and a new way of generating income: 70% profit for you, 30% for 7030 Please take a few seconds and read the following text carefully; It is possible to turn your life upside down As you know,…
Charter of the trader
Charter of the trader 1- In financial markets, opportunities are like a bus stop, as one bus leaves, the next bus will arrive, and you may be delayed a bit. So never worry about missed opportunities. 2- Use money so that if it is lost, you will not become poor and needy, and it will…
“The prominent effect of video content on the introduction of products and services
“The prominent effect of video content on the introduction of products and services! Videos are now considered one of the most important and powerful online marketing tools, and their impact on introducing products and services is unparalleled. For this reason, in this article, we will examine the impact of video content on the introduction of…
Dr. Khairkhah informed
Dr. Khairkhah informed: Promotion of the Secretariat of Scientific Programs of Khorasan Razavi Islamic Azad University to rank 3 The Secretariat of Scientific Programs of Khorasan Razavi Islamic Azad University was upgraded to rank 3 by two steps in the latest evaluation carried out by the central organization of the university. The first national event…