Cirrhosis of the liver means cirrhosis of the liver

Liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic destruction and the formation of boil tissue in the liver, which leads to the loss of the liver’s normal function. This disease is twice more common in men than in women. Congenital cirrhosis can also occur in infants or young children.
 common symptoms

First steps:

fatigue; weakness
anorexia; nausea; weight loss
Enlargement of the liver
Redness of the palms

  Next steps:

Yellow eyes and skin
Changing the color of urine to dark yellow or brown
The appearance of delicate blood vessels that all extend outward from a central point in different parts of the skin (spider-shaped hands)
hair loss
Breast enlargement in men
Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and legs
Spleen enlargement
diarrhea; The stool may be black or bloody.
Bleeding and dying blood
darkness of consciousness; coma


  Liver inflammation with the destruction of liver cells, rebuilding of liver cells and the formation of boil tissue. These events may occur due to the following problems:

Long-term and excessive alcohol consumption
Exposure to toxic chemicals
Hereditary causes

 Factors that increase risk

Improper nutrition
alcohol consumption The duration and amount of alcohol consumption that causes cirrhosis is different in different people.
Occupational exposure to toxic chemicals for the liver


  Cycism must be treated.
Hepatitis should be treated immediately.
Check your work environment for possible exposure to toxic chemicals.

Expected consequences

If the underlying cause of cirrhosis is determined and eliminated, the process of cirrhosis can be stopped. Of course, the damage to the liver is irreversible, but the symptoms can be removed or reduced. If the patient is treated early and the treatment is successful, the patient can be promised a life close to normal.

If the underlying cause is not removed, the process of cirrhosis will continue and the patient will die due to liver failure.

Possible side effects

Life-threatening bleeding, especially from the esophagus and stomach
liver cancer
Body poisoning and coma due to the accumulation of ammonia and other body waste
sexual impotence


  Diagnostic tests may include the following: blood and urine tests for liver function, X-ray imaging, or liver sampling.

Treatment methods include:

drug therapy,
Other support measures

Iron supplement for anemia caused by bleeding or improper nutrition
Diuretics to reduce fluid accumulation in the body
Antibiotics such as neomycin to reduce ammonia accumulation
Stool relaxers


Maintain your activity as much as possible.
While resting, keep your swollen feet elevated


In the initial stages, have a balanced diet with high carbohydrates, high protein and low salt.
In the final stages, there may be a need to reduce protein.
It may be necessary to take vitamin and mineral supplements.
Avoid drinking alcohol.

  See your doctor in these conditions:

If you or one of your family members have symptoms of cirrhosis.

If any of the following occurs during treatment:
Vomiting blood or black stools
Darkness of consciousness or coma
Fever or other signs of infection (redness, swelling, pain when touching the area, or spontaneous pain)

This post is written by RH676