cockroach theory!!
There is a story in this connection attributed to Sundar Pichai.
Sundar Pichai, an Indian engineer and technology executive
It is information that he was elected as the CEO of Google on August 10, 2015.
Sundar told this story in his speech at Google and
The cockroach theory in personal development originates from:
In a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flies out of nowhere and on
A lady sits.
The lady starts screaming out of fear.
Terrified, he gets up and tries to get away from the cockroach by jumping and waving his hands.
His reaction was contagious and other people who were at the same table were terrified.
Finally, the lady manages to get rid of the cockroach.
The cockroach fills up and sits on another lady who was nearby.
This time it is his turn and his close people to repeat the same movements!
The waiter runs towards them to help.
As a result of the second lady’s reactions, this time the cockroach fills up and sits on the waiter.
The waiter stands firm and looks at the behavior of the cockroach on his clothes
When he is sure, he grabs the beetle with his fingers and out
The restaurant throws.
While I was tasting my coffee, I witnessed this process and my mind was occupied with this issue.
Did the cockroach cause this hysterical behavior?
If so, why didn’t the waiter have this behavior?
Why he solved it almost perfectly, without messing up
It wasn’t the cockroach that caused the women’s discomfort.
Rather, their own inability to deal with cockroaches causes them discomfort
had been
I realized that it’s not my father, my husband, or my manager yelling at me that makes me sad, but my inability to deal with these issues that makes me sad.
It’s not the freeway traffic that upsets me, it’s my inability to
Dealing with this phenomenon is what makes me uncomfortable.
I understood that in life you should not react, but you should respond.
The ladies reacted to what happened, while the waiter responded.
Reactions are always instinctive, while answers come with thinking!
This is an important concept in understanding life.
A person who is happy is not because of everything in his life
It is true;
He is happy because his point of view is correct.
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