Common file abbreviations

Common file abbreviations:

CC: Chief complaint
PI: Present illness
PMH: Past history
DH: Drug history
FH: Family history
SH: social history
LOC: level of consciousness
FC: Folly catheter
PTE: Pulmonary thrombotic embolism
PTA: Post traumatic amnesia
HTN: Hypertension
HLP: Hyperlipidemia
DM: diabetic mellitus
IHD: Ischemic heart disease
Amp: (Ampoule)
Tab: (pill)
Supp: (suppository)
Syr: (syrup)
Ser: (serum)
Lotion: (rubbing medicine)
Daily: (daily)
Stat: (once only)
BID: (twice a day)
TDS: (Three times a day)
QID: (four times a day)
PRN: (if required)
DC: (cut off)
Hold: (current cut)
AM: (before noon)
PM: (afternoon)
NPO: not per oral (fasting)
CBR: complete bed rest
PBR: Partial bed rest
OOB: out of bed
CXR: Chest x ray
LFT: Liver functional test
ABG: Arterial Blood Gas
DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis
Change dressing:
MT: Multiple trauma
EEG: (electroencephalography, brain tape)
EKG: (heart tape, electrocardiography)
IV: Intravenouse (injection)
IM: Intramuscular (injection)
SC: Subcutaneous (injection)
I&O: Intake and output
CP: Chest pain
Abdominal pain:
Arm pain:
Facial pain:
Eye pain:
Leg pain:
Flank pain:
Neck pain:
Headache: (Headache)
Fever: (fever)
Agitation: (confusion, restlessness)
Anorexia: (loss of appetite)
Anuria: (stop urinating)
Diaphoresis: (sweating)
Cyanosis: (Cyanosis (bruising)
Dizziness: (dizziness)
Edema: (swelling)
Melena: (black stools)
Vomiting: (vomiting)
Pallor: (pale color)
Vertigo: (vertigo)
Apnea: (interruption of breathing)
BP: Blood pressure
Pluse: Pulse
Respirtion: Breathing
Artificial Resp: Artificial respiration
Glucose 8 Elect.fluids: Glucose electrolyte fluids
Excreted Fluids: Excreted fluids
Observattions 8 treatmenl: Observations and treatments during care
Ward: Ward
Room: Room
Bed: Bed
Attending physician:
Date of Admission: date of admission
Rpo: Continuation of previous orders
Jvp:Rydigoguillar pressure
Iop: Intraocular pressure
cp: intracerebral pressure
Ap: absorption
Ex: disposal
Urine: Urine
Stool: Excrement
Ls/lf: low salt, low fat
Ht: Head trauma
Fx: Fracture
Chf: chronic heart failure disease

This post is written by deture