Compilation of the official tariff of the trade union society of surveying engineers of Iran

Compilation of official tariff of trade union society of surveying engineers of Iran
Preparation of the draft memorandum of understanding for outsourcing the preparation of real estate and land maps

According to the public relations report of the Union of Surveying Engineers of Iran, Engineer Momeni Moghadam, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Union of Surveying Engineers of Iran, while announcing this news, said: The Union of Surveying Engineers of Iran is trying to prepare a price list of fees for surveying engineering services for the preparation of real estate and land maps required for demarcation with the standards of preparation Compile the map in the UTM coordinate system for the year 1401 by province.

Momeni Moghadam added: Iran’s trade association of surveying engineers is one of the oldest trade associations in Iran with a history of half a century, and over the years we always felt the weakness that we should have a reference for the price list of surveying services for real surveying engineers.
Momeni Moghadam further said: Considering that since last year, the plan of outsourcing the preparation of real estate and land maps has been implemented throughout the country and in line with the implementation of Note 3, Article 9 of the Executive Regulations of the Hadnagar Comprehensive Law, therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the coordination and harmonization of engineering services. Surveying in this area and the lack of a reference for its tariff became more important, and in this regard, the trade union society of surveying engineers of Iran asked for opinions from all its branches throughout the country to compile a comprehensive tariff, and a specialized committee in this trade union organization is summarizing the proposals received. and explaining the basics of the mentioned tariff, which will be published soon.

Momeni Moghadam, expressing his hope to compile and announce a national tariff for all provinces and separately for all areas of mapping engineering services for real members and with the help and consensus of all experts and activists of this trade for the coming years, said: the main goal of compiling this tariff is that surveying engineers can collect their fees based on it, and this tariff will be established as a reference for announcing prices at the community level. We hope that the tariff of the Union of Surveying Engineers of Iran will become more stable and recognized in the coming years, and surveying engineers will consider themselves obliged to comply with it, and the applicants for engineering services at the level of individuals and officials and managers of the institutions, based on this tariff, will receive the wages of engineers. Pay the surveyor.

Enumerating the importance of trade unions, Momeni Moghadam stated: The current tariff is a basic price for mapping services and members can consider different prices for their services. Another important point to note is that organizations such as the Trade Union of Surveying Engineers of Iran are one of the types of non-governmental organizations or SAMAN that do not have the power to legislate and enforce and oblige to comply with their approved tariffs; In fact, in our country, only the Islamic Council can approve a resolution for implementation, and trade unions are supportive and advisory institutions, and based on the duties defined in the statute, they can provide tariffs like this to the society and encourage it to comply. from the mentioned tariff.

At the end of the conversation, Momeni Moghadam informed about the preparation of the draft memorandum of understanding for the outsourcing of the preparation of real estate and land maps, between the Organization of Construction Engineering System and the Organization of Records and Real Estate of the country, in order to organize and monitor the quality of surveying engineers’ services, and expressed hope that with this contract According to the memorandum, existing problems have been resolved in order to facilitate the provision of services to citizens and to provide productive and sustainable employment for surveying engineers.

This post is written by hassanaaz