Conservatories participate in the national exam by passing the final exams

Conservatories participate in the national exam by passing the final exams.

In an interview with Pana, Farrokh Tabari said: “Yes; If the students of the conservatories want to participate in the national exam in any of the experimental groups of mathematics, experimental, humanities and art, the courses that need to create an academic record are mentioned in the grade correction test manual, and these students must take the final exam in June together with Other students will participate and create an academic record for themselves so that they can use the impact of their academic records on the results of the national exam.

He added: “Otherwise, they can participate in the national exam in each experimental group, but their test result will be calculated only based on the same points obtained in the national exam and without the effect of their academic records, and they will lose the points of their academic record.”

Tabari clarified: “Art students, if they want their academic record to be successful as a result of the national exam, they must participate in the final exam in June of the courses mentioned in the syllabus, just like the students of secondary theoretical courses.”