Construction violations and supervisor performance for these violations

Construction violations and supervisor performance for these violations.

Construction violations were grouped into several categories according to their type, nature, and remediability:

Violations that are not serious and do not cause problems, and municipalities are not very sensitive to them, such as those that had minor defects during the construction of the structure, hardening and joinery.
Such as filling the space between the porcelain seats with soil that is not very suitable, moving the internal blades (if the minimum dimensions are provided), the walls not being occupied, the quality of the plastering, the use of low-quality tiles and so on.

Violations that are important for the municipalities due to the collection of fines and revenue generation, and are likely to be raised in the Article 100 Commission, and regarding them, a vote to demolish, correct or pay a fine will be issued.
Such as adding floors beyond the limits of the permit, increasing or decreasing the occupancy level, increasing or decreasing the height of the floors and the overall height of the building, decreasing or increasing the number of units per floor, changing the number of rooms, changing the dimensions of the balcony, terrace or patio, removing or changing Illumination of spaces, slope of ramp more than 20%, removal of elevator or disabled jack and so on.
Such cases must be reported by the supervisor within the stipulated time and the necessary approvals must be obtained from the design engineers and the engineering system organization; in the case of these violations, the issuance of the report of the end of the construction operation is subject to receiving the above approvals and a certificate of non-violation from the municipality. And the date of this certificate should be recorded in the end of operation report.

The other category of violations is very sensitive and until they are not resolved, the end of operation report should not be issued because the safety of users may be affected during operation.
Such as the use of ordinary glass in the patio skylight, not implementing the scope of the façade, not implementing the parapet or the implementation of the fence, the fences being loose, not respecting the window bump, not using safe and non-shedding glass according to the requirements of topic 4, not insulating The humidity of the elevator shaft, the slippery surface of the open spaces.
All these cases must be reported to the municipality in the form of phased reports or letters, and the supervisor must have given written notice to the owner to fix them.

Violations that have more of a structural role or damage the strength of the structure have a fundamental problem and cannot be easily corrected.
Such as failing concrete tests, using weak metal sections, building on loose soil, etc.
These violations are mainly related to the structure supervisor and under no circumstances should a completion report be issued for such buildings.

S. Panahi


This post is written by arch_panahi