In order for the discussion sessions to be fruitful and more useful, it is better that in the first session, 8 common themes from the boy and girl and 6 specialized themes from the girl are presented, which are as follows.
Eight common axes between boys and girls
1. Introduction
As the first question, the boy should ask the girl to introduce herself in full and summarize her past life. On the other hand, the boy should introduce himself and tell the details of his past. History and biography include: complete introduction of name and surname, occupation, age, level of education, occupation of parents, level of education, number of family members and their employment, education and age status.
2. Belief
In the second stage, both parties should enter into questions that test and introduce the expectations and beliefs of the other person. Of course, the type of these questions depends on the beliefs of the questioner. For example:
– In your opinion, how important is adherence and belief in religious issues such as prayer and fasting?
3. General Life Policy
The answers to the questions in this section show the other person’s life policy. For example:
– What will your future life be based on: religious orders, foreign culture or personal taste?
4. Adherence to cultural values
For example, what do you think about covering your future wife and attending the gatherings of relatives and using modern technology including satellite?
5. Intellectual and emotional independence
In this section, you can ask some questions about the amount of mouth and nose, dependence on parents and friends, permission to interfere with others and so on. measure in the opposite person.
– To what extent do you care about the opinions of others, especially your parents and friends, in the affairs of your life together?
6. General goals of life
The opposite person may be interested in science, sports, art, etc. Have a lot of interest and you will be the opposite of him. So it is necessary to ask in this regard as well. For example: What is your general and main goal in life?
7. Social communication
With these questions, you can get the level of sociability of the opposite person and whether he wants a social wife or not.
Do you have social activities? Where and how?
What will you do if your future spouse has relations with non-mahrams in the work environment or among close relatives while maintaining Shari’a and customary rules?
8. Family connections
In this way, you will be able to find out the person’s personality type, i.e., introvert or extrovert, and whether he overdoes it in his family relationships and with his single friends or not. For example:
How much do you like to hang out with your friends and relatives and your spouse’s relatives?
Today’s woman
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