Dear Chairman of the Engineering System Organization
We, the community of engineers, object to the low qualification of design in construction disciplines in the national regulations and the executive decree of the Engineering System Organization, in which grade 3 only group A (one and two roofs) and grade 2 groups A and B (three to five roofs) can design. we have This law is related to years ago and does not apply to the current conditions of the country’s construction, because there is practically no or very little work for level 3 design engineers, and level 2 engineers are also very underemployed and earn very little.
This law and decree has created an exclusive status for design engineers in the 1st and senior levels because they design all construction groups and there is no or very little work for the young community of design engineers, which causes the isolation and destruction of the community of young engineers. In terms of design science, we are much more creative and artistic young people than the 1st grade and senior engineers, most of whom have become members of the engineering organization without taking an exam and have obtained employment licenses.
At the same time, the questions of the 3rd level design exam are designed and held based on the buildings of group B (three to five roofs). Also, it is not possible for engineers who have joined the engineering community in a discontinuous manner (associate to bachelor) to reach the 1st and senior level, contrary to this rule, they are much more technical than continuous bachelor engineers because they have grown in the workshop and practical work and obtained a degree.
We all want to amend these laws and we want them to change compared to the current conditions of construction and education in the country.
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#Don’t be passive
This post is written by njj123456