Dear Mr. Tahmasabi

Dear Mr. Tahmasabi
Sorry, I couldn’t answer your question yesterday
About the chicken that was sitting and shaking its head and neck:
Such movements usually occur due to nerve paralysis
Nerve paralysis may be reversible and short-term (similar to an epileptic attack) and may be severe and irreversible (such as polio).
If the cause of paralysis is progressive or regressive, it may directly or indirectly cause death
directly as a general destruction of the nervous system
and indirectly by destroying the bird’s ability to access water and food sources
One of the causes of temporary paralysis can be hypoxia (lack of oxygen), which is usually resolved if the bird has access to rich sources of oxygen such as open air.
If hypoxia leads to anoxia (no oxygen), it can cause the death of neurons (nerve cells) CNS (central nervous system) and finally coma or death of the patient.
Other causes of nerve paralysis are poisoning with inorganic or organic poisons (such as endotoxins).
One of the most important endotoxins in ostriches is the toxins caused by the activity of clostridiums in the intestines and causing enterotoxemia.
Also, the neuropathic activity (destructive of nerve tissue) of the neurotropic form (inclined to nerve tissue) of Newcastle virus can lead to usually irreversible damage and permanent paralysis of the bird, followed by the death of the animal.

This post is written by Shahraeeny