It is noteworthy that the unions and company of cooperatives of chicken and turkey farmers are respected.
Greetings and politeness.
Did you know that herbal extracts are called oral serum, which means they are absorbed into the blood immediately after consumption, just like serum.
Thyme spirit with a very warm nature, which is one of the most widely used spirits in the poultry industry, has properties such as strong anti-cold, anti-microbial, strong antiseptic, fungicidal and most importantly
It is anti-influenza and bronchitis.
Some of the other important medicinal, therapeutic and nutritional properties of thyme can be mentioned below.
1-Destroyer of blood cholesterol
2- Collecting excess stomach moisture and phlegm
3- Eliminate intestinal worms and parasites
4-Blood purifier and removing its high concentration
5- An uplifting and calming medicine for the brain and nerves
6- Stomach tonic and relieve indigestion
7- Slimming and fattening (appetizing)
8-Digestive and wind breaker and.
Herbal spirits and teas (Masoud Balaghatnia)
The healing miracles of herbal extracts (authored by Dr. Mohammad Mariya, an expert in biological sciences and medicinal plants)
Illustrated encyclopedia of medicinal plants (Moslem Sabzeh Glin) and.
Other widely consumed spirits are also used in poultry farming, such as:
Women’s * Garlic * Mint * Oregano * Coriander * Eucalyptus and Vinegar * Rosemary and.
((Bahar Kashan and Hakim Bashi Rose Water and Spirits Company)
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This post is written by Shafaiyy